Every modality has its jargon, and one of the most important ones in constellations work is “The Knowing Field.” It comes from a colleague of Bert Hellinger, whose name is Albrecht Mahr. What do we mean by this term, and what’s important about it?
A “field” is a common general term in science that is often extended metaphorically to the transpersonal. One way to describe it is as a large region that affects everything within its vicinity in a coherent way. So, we can talk about a magnetic field, or a field of Spirit.
It’s quite a step, however, to talk about a “knowing” field. Now we are implying that there is an intelligence at work, in some sense. Those last three words — “in some sense” — are important, though. When we do constellations work, we have a sense that we are interacting with an intelligence, but what that is, or what it’s up to, is hard to say. We certainly don’t have to mean some sentient, all-divine, guiding intelligence (although it doesn’t exclude that, either).
Hellinger described what he noticed about that “Knowing Field” by outlining the “Orders of Love.” These are patterns that seem to govern aspects of family systems, like belonging, role, precedence, and much more. Over the years, appreciators of constellations work from other professions have noticed the similarity of the Orders of Love with the general principles of self-organization that characterize all systems, whether organizational, biological or natural. All systems have these implicit, self-generated patterns, and these are what constellation practitioners mean by a “knowing” field.
The good news about these patterns is that they assist us in the work of helping our clients. Without them, it’s all a bit of a free for all, and the danger of trying to help others purely out of the capacities and limitations of our ego (including our blindspots) is enormous. But with the Orders of Love, guided by the Knowing Field, over and again I’ve seen very troubled family systems brought into coherent love and freedom.
Very soon, I am starting, once again, my Online Advanced Constellations Training. This is an opportunity for students of this work to gain greater skillfulness discerning the way of healing resolution for their clients, through understanding the Orders of Love and relying on the assistance of the Knowing Field.
I am also again bringing the West Coast Constellations Intensive to Northern California, with international constellators Francesca Mason Boring, Shavasti (John L. Payne) and myself. For four days, we will seek renewal and resolution in the partnership of the Knowing Field with all the participants who join in adventurously.
I have made it my life’s work to collaborate with the Knowing Field. I invite you to consider these or other services as a possible new way into healing any persistent suffering of your family. What is your experience of the Knowing Field? Please share on my blog!
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